Alps Ltd | Insurance add-ons and support provider | Person on phone with spare wheel

Don’t let your clients be stranded at the roadside

Excellent quality road rescue cover offers peace of mind when your client needs it the most. A breakdown at the side of the road is never convenient – and that’s why we provide your customers with options which take care of them in every eventuality – whether that’s filling the tank with the wrong fuel, engine or battery failure, or an incident involving another driver.

Our Road Rescue service is managed by Call Assist, who have a larger network than the AA, RAC and Green Flag, with 3,500 recovery technicians across the UK

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Features & Benefits

Parts & Labour Add-On

When your client’s vehicle can’t be fixed at the roadside we’ll help cover the cost of mechanical repairs
Additional cover is available for the cost of repair or replacement of insured parts when a vehicle can’t be fixedby the roadside and needs to be towed to a garage for repair